Council Leader, Louise McKinlay added, "Designating the pub as a community asset has given local people a real opportunity to come together and secure the future of this South Weald landmark. It would be great to see something come of this."Notification has been received by the Council of the intention to sell the Tower Arms Public House in South Weald.
Back in 2014, Borough Councillor, Ann Coe successfully fought for and secured the inclusion of the Pub on the Council's Community Asset Register. This means, that ahead of disposing of the site, the owner must notify the Council and the local community must be given the opportunity to purchase it.
Ann said, "The owners have rightly informed the Council that they wish to put the premises on the market. This triggers a six week time frame during which, the community can register an interest in the sale. They will then have a further six months within which to complete the deal. I am keen to spread the word and see if there is any appetite to move ahead with a purchase as a local community, prior to it going on the open market."
With the clock ticking, Ann is asking local residents to urgently contact her with their views and if there is an appetite to explore further the option to purchase the site, she will arrange a meeting with Council Officers to provide additional advice. Ann can be contacted via email or by phone: ann.coe@brentwood.gov.uk 01277 216869 / 210625