Brentwood and Ongar’s Conservative candidate for the General Election, Alex Burghart, held round table discussions with local farmers this week to hear their views
“Farming is a hugely important part of our community. Farmers hold the key to a significant part of the rural economy, the way our countryside looks, and possible future development,” said Alex. “With only weeks until the General Election on June 8th, I wanted to meet local farmers to understand what they feel is important for farming in this constituency not only after the election, but also post-Brexit.”
Farmers currently receive subsidies through the EU Basic Payment Scheme, although there are rules which need to be followed if a successful claim is to be made.
Alex commented, “Brentwood and Ongar farmers told me the Basic Payment Scheme is a blunt instrument that needs to be overhauled.”
Fly-tipping and rural crime are also issues faced by the farming industry in Brentwood and Ongar.
“Farming is hard work with long hours and high capital costs. It is frustrating local farmers are having to put up with thoughtless and criminal fly-tippers and regular thefts of farm equipment,” said Alex. “I want to stand up for every part of our community and I will look into what the next Government can do to defend farmers’ interests.
“I was deeply encouraged by our local farmer’s determination to ensure British produce is of a high quality and sustainably produced.”