Brentwood Council's Conservative Group has announced that Councillor John Kerslake will become the new Deputy Leader of the Group.
The move follows the decision of the outgoing Deputy Leader, Roger Hirst to step down from the position and focus on his candidacy for Police and Crime Commissioner in the forthcoming May elections. He will remain as a backbencher and as the borough councillor for Hutton South.
Group Leader, Louise McKinlay said, "Roger has made a significant and valued contribution to the Council over the last few years. His dedication, commitment and efforts are much appreciated and have helped to drive forward both the Council and the Conservative Group. On a personal basis, he has been extremely supportive and I wish him the very best of luck as he moves on with his campaign to become Essex's next Police and Crime Commissioner."
At the next Full Council meeting on the 18th November, councillors will vote on the replacement for Cllr Hirst as Deputy Leader of the Council. It is expected that John Kerslake will be ratified in to this position.
John said, " I have worked closely with Louise and the other senior members of the Council for some time on a number of different committees and projects and I am looking forward to continuing to deliver on our manifesto and committments to Brentwood residents as I take on this more senior role."
Louise added, "John is both knowledgable and experienced. His previous role as Chairman of the Audit, Scrutiny and Transformation Committee means that he has been involved in many of the key decisions already, so is well versed on the challenges and ambitions of the Group. I look forward to working more closely with him."
Councillor Paul Faragher will take over as Chairman of the Audit, Scrutiny and Transformation Committee, to replace John.