Message to Residents living near to Mount Pleasant Avenue in Hutton, Brentwood
I am writing to you regarding the parking situation outside the shopping parade in Rayleigh Road.
As you will be aware, a number of concerns have been raised about the parked cars, which are blocking the visibility of the junction when exiting right from Mount Pleasant Avenue, on to Rayleigh Road.
You may recall that some time ago, I raised the issue to the Local Highways Panel, for consideration. As a result, Highways engineers drew up some plans to “cut out” some of the pavement in order to provide a layby for around six cars in Rayleigh Road. (similar to the layby outside the Co-op in Shenfield.) The proposal was to combine this with physical blocks on the pavement to prevent vehicles from parking on there in order to improve safety. However, some concern was raised in regards to the limited parking and what this would mean for the businesses.
Recently, some of the damaged posts have been replaced and re-sited so as to extend the “blocking” of the corner section in order to improve visibility when exiting Mount Pleasant Avenue. I am aware that since this was done, one of the posts has been knocked over and I have flagged this to Highways for repair, which is currently being programmed.
Mount Pleasant Avenue Junction
I am keen to see what else can be done that would provide a longer term solution to the problem. Whilst this is not an easy situation to resolve as we seek to balance the retailers’ needs with the safety concerns of residents, there are a few options that could be considered.
None of this is easy to explain in a street letter and clearly we cannot meet on site due to the current restrictions. Therefore, I have arranged for a Highways officer to join me on a Teams call on Thursday 18th March at 4.30pm in order to share more details and discuss some options with you.
If you would like to join the call, please could you email me at [email protected] ? Please provide your name and address and if appropriate name of any business. I will then make the necessary arrangements for the link to the call to be sent to you.
Kind regards,
Cllr. Louise McKinlay, County Councillor for Brentwood Hutton Division
Please send any written correspondence to me at County Hall, Market Road Chelmsford CM1 1QH .